I feel so proud and privileged to have been accepted on to the register. Not only does it give confidence to my clients and the vets I work with that “I know my stuff” but it also reminds me that I have worked hard to get to where I am today and to be recognised alongside other long standing members of the animal therapy community is a great honour.
The register is relatively new and was set up to bring some clarity to the field of animal therapy, which is vast. With various methods being practiced and many routes of education ranging from days to years, it was often unclear to vets and owners what their chosen therapist was qualified to practice.
It is a voluntary register for Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths who have trained to degree level or equivalent and have demonstrated that they are competent to the Gold Standards set by the RAMP council. These standards include:
- Educational qualifications - knowledge base, skills & proficiency
- Proof of Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Proof of Public Liability Insurance - to make sure you are covered in case of accidents
- Signed acceptance of the Standards for Practice - to the equivalent level of practitioners in the human field
- Practitioners on the Register only work with permission from the animal's vet as required by The Veterinary Surgeons (Exemption) Order 2015
Continued membership is subject to an annual review of continued education undertaken throughout the year.
I think this is a great step within the industry and I look forward to being a part of the RAMP community for many years to come.